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CGA Junior Golf on August 25 and 26

The first CGA Juniors Golf Tournament will be played on August 25 and 26 at Septa Golf Course at Chandimandir here. This year the response is very encouraging and at the close of entries, there are a total of 80 participants in all categories.
Competitions will be held in five categories – A (15-17 years), B (13-14 years), C (             11-12 years), D (8-10 years) and E (5-7 years)
While A,B,C and D categories will be playing 36 holes over two days, category E will play 9 holes a day for two days. Apart from the winner in each category, there will be prizes for 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up as well. All participants will be given a gift hamper of golfing items like T- Shirts, golf balls and golf cap.
Chandigarh Golf Association president CSR Reddy, IPS, informed that  the participants   include players like Vivek Gupta, Paramjeet Yadav, Yuvraj Sandhu, Pukhraj Gill, Karandeep Kochhar, Jaiveer Sandhu, Kartik Digvijay Singh, Aadil Bedi, Digraj Gill, Yuvraj Singh and Vasundhara Thiara.
The prize distribution function will be held on August 26 at Septa Golf Course Chandimandir at 4.00 p.m.


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