Indervir Grewal IT has been eight years since a masterful Australia schooled India in front of a stunned New Delhi crowd. The 8-0 hammering had come as an anticlimax to a surprisingly successful campaign — India reached the Commonwealth Games final, for the first time ever, after upsetting England in the semifinals. By reaching the final of the Games at home, India had raised the fans’ hopes for a first gold. But the Australian team, made up of stars such as Jamie Dwyer, came as a whirlwind that left the Indian team and its reputation in tatters. At the 2012 Olympics, India finished a dismal 12th, and it took a total revamp and patient rebuilding to bring the men’s team back on track. Four years after the New Delhi humbling, India again surprised the field to set up the title clash with Australia in the Glasgow Games. However, the gold again eluded India as they finished a distant second, losing the final 0-4. As another Commonwealth Games campaign begins, the talk is no longer lim...
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