M&E company Rainshine Entertainment has launched Ulta Fullta, India’s first cricket Digital Game Show (DiGS). This proprietary format promises to deliver all-round entertainment to Indian cricket fans through gamified online entertainment, coupled with a TV-style reality show.
Ultafullta.com is India’s first gaming format that rewards fans for not just predicting the top performing players, but also predicting players who they feel are going to underperform during the match. Users have to simply create two teams – Ulta 5 & Fullta 5 by predicting five under-performing players and five best-performing players respectively.
Flipkart, one of the largest global e-commerce companies, has backed Ulta Fullta by partnering as the Official Rewards Partner and Hard Rock Café is the official Restaurant Partner.
To add to the excitement, the game, Ultafullta.com is supported by a first-of-its-kind talk-show – the Ulta Fullta cricket show. Partnered with Sports Tak, SonyLIV and Dailyhunt, the episodes will air prior to every cricket match of the upcoming World Cup.
Hosted by television actor Nakuul Mehta, the show will feature top cricketers, comedians and young fans discussing the winners of the last match and predicting the Ulta 5 & Fullta 5 players for the upcoming match.
Commenting on the launch, Rainshine Entertainment COO Anuraag Srivastava said, “We aim to provide our viewers with an enthralling experience through our new format of Digital Game Show (DiGS). Ulta Fullta is the first game show in India that comes with a twist and allows users to celebrate the spirit of sports both the highs and lows, thereby embracing success and failure. The game and the talk-show, created for both global and Indian audiences, promises all-round entertainment for cricket fans.”
Users can participate in this exciting game by logging on Ultafullta.com and win exciting prizes daily. The game will be available for users in India and across the globe. Furthermore, Ulta Fullta released an entertaining music video directed by Ankur Tewari and is available on YouTube.
The post Rainshine Entertainment launches cricket game show Ulta Fullta appeared first on InsideSport.
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