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Showing posts from January, 2019

राज्य स्तरीय शूटिंग प्रतियोगिता में कानपुर का दबदबा

लखनऊ में 23 से 29 जनवरी तक संपन्न हुई 41वीं राज्य स्तरीय शूटिंग प्रतियोगिता में कानपुर के खिलाड़ियों ने दो रजत और चार कांस्य पदक जीते। प्रतियोगिता में प्रदेशभर के दो हजार खिलाड़ियों ने भाग लिया।

भारत को हैमिल्टन में मिली करारी हार, ये रहा खास

न्यू जीलैंड ने हैमिल्टन वनडे में भारत को 8 विकेट से हरा दिया। भारतीय टीम 30.5 ओवर में 92 रन पर ऑलआउट हो गई जिसके बाद मेजबान टीम ने 14.4 ओवर में 2 विकेट पर 93 रन बनाकर मैच जीत लिया।

Tied Test Umpire Dara Dotiwalla Passes Away

Former umpire Dara Dotiwalla, who officiated in the famous tied Test match between India and Australia in 1986 at Chennai, died here Wednesday, family sources said. He was 85.

हैमिल्टन ODI: 15 ओवर में हारी टीम इंडिया

भारतीय टीम हैमिल्टन में खेले गए सीरीज के चौथे वनडे में 92 रन के कुल स्कोर पर सिमट गई। इसके बाद मेजबान न्यू जीलैंड ने 14.4 ओवर में 2 विकेट पर 93 रन बनाकर शानदार जीत दर्ज की।

भारत की पहली बार गेंदों से इतनी बुरी हार

भारत की शेष गेंदों के आधार पर वनडे में यह सबसे बड़ी हार है। इससे पहले दाम्बुला में साल 2010 में श्री लंका के खिलाफ भारत को 209 गेंद शेष रहते शिकस्त झेलनी पड़ी थी।

उम्मीद नहीं थी... हार के बाद बोले रोहित शर्मा

कार्यवाहक कप्तान रोहित शर्मा ने यहां न्यू जीलैंड के खिलाफ चौथे एकदिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट मैच में 8 विकेट की हार के दौरान भारत के अपने सातवें सबसे कम स्कोर पर सिमटने को ‘लंबे समय में सबसे बदतर’ बल्लेबाजी प्रदर्शन करार दिया।

भारत vs न्यू जीलैंड, चौथा वनडे: देखें- मैच का पूरा हाल

​​भारत को न्यू जीलैंड ने चौथे वनडे में 8 विकेट से हरा दिया। टीम इंडिया 92 रन पर सिमट गई जिसके बाद न्यू जीलैंड ने 14.4 ओवर में ही 2 विकेट खोकर मैच जीत लिया।

200वां वनडे यादगार नहीं बना सके रोहित शर्मा

न्यू जीलैंड के खिलाफ चौथा मैच रोहित शर्मा के करियर का 200वां वनडे है। हालांकि, वह इस मैच में बल्ले से खास योगदान नहीं दे सके। टॉस हारकर पहले बैटिंग करने उतरी भारतीय टीम को कप्तान रोहित शर्मा से इस खास मौके पर यादगार पारी की उम्मीद थी, लेकिन वह सिर्फ 23 गेंदों में सिर्फ 7 रन बनाकर आउट हुए।

जब 'कैमरामैन' रोहित शर्मा को मिला बड़ा ब्रेक

विडियो की सबसे खास बात यह रही कि इसके लिए भारतीय टीम के उपकप्तान और बचे हुए दो वनडे में कप्तानी की जिम्मेदारी संभाल रहे रोहित शर्मा को कैमरामैन बनना पड़ा।

सेविला को हराकर कोपा डेल रे के सेमी में बार्सिलोना

​अपने खिलाड़ियों के शानदार प्रदर्शन के दम पर बार्सिलोना ने सेविला के खिलाफ क्वॉर्टर फाइनल के दूसरे चरण के मुकाबले में शानदार जीत हासिल कर कोपा डेल रे के सेमीफाइनल में प्रवेश हासिल किया।

15 साल बाद पाकिस्तान में होगा इंटरनैशनल मैच

पाकिस्तान के साथ तीन मैचों की टी20 सीरीज खेलने के लिए वेस्टइंडीज की महिला क्रिकेट टीम बुधवार को कराची पहुंच गई। पिछले 15 वर्षों में ऐसा पहली बार हुआ है जब किसी गैर-एशियाई महिला क्रिकेट टीम ने पाकिस्तान का दौरा किया है।

EPL: लीवरपूल को बराबरी पर, चेल्सी की टीम हारी

लीवरपूल को इंग्लिश प्रीमियर लीग में यहां लीसेस्टर ने 1-1 से बराबरी पर रोक दिया जिससे टीम ने अंक तालिका के शीर्ष पर अपनी बढ़त मजबूत करके खिताब की ओर ठोस कदम बढ़ाने का मौका गंवा दिया।करके अपनी बढ़त को सात अंक

पुलिस के डर से कबूली थी स्पॉट फिक्सिंग: श्रीसंत

स्पॉट फिक्सिंग मामले की सुनवाई के दौरान पूर्व क्रिकेटर श्रीसंत ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट को बताया कि पुलिस की यातना से बचने के लिए उन्होंने स्पॉट फिक्सिंग की बात कबूली थी।

विराट की तरह फिट बनना चाहते हैं युवा खिलाड़ी

टीम इंडिया की युवा ब्रिगेड ने चहल टीवी के चैट शो पर खुलासा किया है वे भी विराट कोहली और रोहित शर्मा जैसी फिटनेस हासिल करना चाहते हैं। चहल टीवी पर आई टीम की युवा ब्रिगेड में शुभमन गिल, खलील अहमद, कुलदीप यादव जैसे युवा खिलाड़ी शामिल थे।

India vs New Zealand | One of Our Worst Batting Performance: Rohit

Trent Boult, who’s fifer left India’s top order in tatters, was happy about being able to exploit the favourable conditions available in the afternoon.

दिव्यांग भाइयों ने राष्ट्रीय कुश्ती में जीता स्वर्ण और रजत पदक

दिल में कुछ कर गुजरने की चाहत हो तो इंसान कोई भी मुकाम हासिल कर सकता है। चाहे वह शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम हो।

14 साल के क्रिकेटर के पिता की भावुक अपील, बेटे पर लगा बैन कम कर दो

मुशीर खान के पिता नौशाद खान ने मुंबई क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन से अपील की है कि उनके बेटे पर लगे तीन साल के प्रतिबंध की समीक्षा की जाए।

राष्ट्रीय खेलों को स्थगित करने पर लगेगा 10 करोड़ रुपये का जुर्माना: आईओए

भारतीय ओलंपिक संघ (आईओए) ने बुधवार को स्पष्ट किया कि अगर गोवा में होने वाले 36वें राष्ट्रीय खेल दोबारा स्थगित होते हैं तो वह आयोजन समिति पर 10 करोड़ रुपये का जुर्माना लगाएगा।

PWL4: दिल्ली को हराकर हरियाणा हैमर्स फाइनल में, पंजाब रॉयल्स से होगी खिताबी टक्कर

हरियाणा हैमर्स ने दिल्ली सुल्तान्स को 6-3 से हराकर बुधवार को पेशेवर कुश्ती लीग (पीडब्ल्यूएल) के फाइनल में जगह बनायी जहां उसका सामना फिर से पंजाब रॉयल्स से होगा।

भारत के नंबर-1 टेबल टेनिस खिलाड़ी बने साथियान, मनिका शीर्ष 50 में शामिल

जी साथियान बुधवार को जारी रैंकिंग में तीन पायदान चढ़कर पुरूष एकल में 28वें स्थान पर काबिज हो गए हैं।

ISL: चेंचो के गोल से बेंगलुरू एफसी ने नार्थ ईस्ट यूनाईटेड को हराया

चेंचो गिल्टेशन के गोल की बदौलत बेंगलुरू एफसी ने बुधवार को श्री कांतीर्वा स्टेडियम में इंडियन सुपर लीग मैच में नार्थ ईस्ट यूनाईटेड को 2-1 से हराया।

I-leauge: मोहन बागान ने गोकुलम केरल को बराबरी पर रोका

पूर्व चैंपियन मोहन बागान ने मुश्किल में घिरने के बावजूद आईलीग फुटबाल टूर्नामेंट में बुधवार को यहां साल्टलेक स्टेडियक में रेलीगेशन का खतरा झेल रहे गोकुलम केरल एफसी को 2-2 से बराबरी पर रोका।

फ्रांस के खिलाफ सलीमा टेटे को जूनियर महिला हॉकी टीम की कमान 

सलीमा टेटे फ्रांस के खिलाफ आठ से 13 फरवरी तक लखनऊ और गोरखपुर में होने वाली चार मैचों की सीरीज की में 20 सदस्यीय जूनियर महिला हॉकी टीम की अगुआई करेंगी।

अब नहीं चलेगा कोई बहाना : भूपति 

भारत के गैर खिलाड़ी कप्तान महेश भूपति ने बुधवार को कहा कि इटली के खिलाफ शुक्रवार से शुरू हो रहे डेविस कप क्वालिफायर में अब बहाने की कोई गुंजाइश नहीं है।

प्रो लाइसेंस नहीं होने के चलते वेंकटेश नहीं संभाल पाएंगे टीम की कमान 

एशियन फुटबाल कन्फेडरेशन (एएफसी) के एक जनवरी से लागू हुए नए नियमों ने ऑल इंडिया फुटबाल फेडरेशन (एआईएफएफ) को अंडर-23 टीम का नया कोच अनुबंधित करने को मजबूर कर दिया है।

सिंधु, साइना, श्रीकांत समेत 23 खिलाडियों को मिली टॉप्स में जगह 

टोकियो ओलंपिक की तैयारियों के लिए स्पोट्र्स अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया (साई) ने पीवी सिंधु, साइना नेहवाल, किदांबी श्रीकांत, पैरा एथलीट वरुण भाटी, शरद कुमार समेत 23 खिलाडियों को टारगेट ओलंपिक पोडियम स्कीम (टॉप्स) में शामिल कर लिया है।

चोटिल नेमार दस हफ्तों के लिए मैदान से हुए बाहर

पेरिस सेंट जर्मेन (पीएसजी) के स्टार फुटबॉलर नेमार टखने में लगी चोट के चलते दस हफ्तों के लिए मैदान से बाहर हो गए हैं।

गैसपेरियान को हराकर क्वितोवा से खेलेगी अब अजारेंका

रूसी क्वालीफायर मार्गरिटा गैसपेरियान को 6-4, 6-1 से हराने के बाद अब विक्टोरिया अजारेंका अब सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग लेडीज ट्रॉफी में ऑस्ट्रेलियाई ओपन उपविजेता पेत्रा क्वितोवा से खेलेगी ।

One of our worst batting performances, says Rohit Sharma

"One of our worst performances with the bat for a long time. Something we didn't expect. You got to give credit to the New Zealand bowlers. It was a magnificent effort by them," said Rohit Sharma after a disappointing outing on his 200th ODI. India's much-vaunted batting was dismissed for 92 in 30.5 overs with pacer Trent Boult (5/21) bowling a deadly opening spell. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

4th ODI: New Zealand demolish India for consolation win

India seemed shorn of their aura in the absence of talismanic skipper Virat Kohli as New Zealand pulled off a stunning eight-wicket win in the fourth cricket one-dayer to halt the visiting side's domination on Thursday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

'Premature to compare India with WI of the past'

The West Indies legend dwelt upon a range of issues, including on the Virat Kohli phenomenon and rather premature comparisons between the Indian team and the West Indies side of the past. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Rahul Dravid bats for alternate careers for young cricketers

Life after retirement is one of the biggest anxieties facing professional sportsmen the world over. In India, with youngsters today being encouraged to take up sports as a career, and the simultaneous drying up of public sector employment, the drop-out rates, particularly in cricket, continue to remain high. Dravid emphasized the need to enhance life skills of young cricketers outside of the sport. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Don't consider IPL form for World Cup spots: Amarnath

Former India cricketer Mohinder Amarnath on Thursday said that the performance in Indian Premier League (2019) should not be taken into consideration when the team is picked for the ICC World Cup 2019, to be held in England and Wales. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Boxers sparring without doctor at national camp

Injury is part and parcel of a sportsperson’s life. More so in contact sports like boxing or wrestling, where athletes live in fear of getting grievously hurt. In such a scenario, the association of a full-time doctor with a sportsperson or the national team becomes even more important – to tend to them in case of an illness or injury during training sessions and competitions. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Shuttlers' Olympic preparation hits a roadblock

The preparation of the Indian players for the Olympic Games has run into a roadblock. The Pullela Gopichand Academy, the nerve centre of Indian badminton, is struggling for want of shuttles and so are the players. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Rohit Sharma pockets another 200 in ODIs

The fourth ODI between India and New Zealand in Hamilton marked the 200th appearance for Rohit Sharma's in 50-over internationals for India. It's an exclusive club with only 79 international players, including 14 Indians, reaching the milestone. Sachin Tendulkar leads the pack with 463 matches. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

2nd Test: Australia stick with winning combination against Sri Lanka

Australia opted Thursday to stick with a winning combination for the second Test against Sri Lanka, meaning all-rounder Marcus Stoinis and young batting prospect Will Pucovski miss out on making their debut. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Chahal and Kuldeep have been brave: VVS Laxman

Former India cricketer VVS Laxman heaped praise on Indian wrist spinners Yuzvendra Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav, saying the duo have been sensational in India's victorious run. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Musheer Khan's father appeals review of ban

Musheer Khan’s father Naushad Khan has appealed to the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) to review the three-year ban on his son, slapped by the cricket body after the youngster allegedly ‘flashed’ at a teammate during the (U-16) Vijay Merchant Trophy in December last year. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Davis Cup: Left-right combo a dream, says Bhupathi

For Mahesh Bhupathi, it's a dream to have a left-right combination in singles for the Davis Cup Qualifier against Italy, starting at South Club on Friday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Berrettini a great talent, watch out for him: Leander Paes

The man who surpassed Italian legend Nicola Pietrangeli’s record of the most number of doubles wins in Davis Cup last year, made special mention of 22-year-old Matteo Berrettini, the youngest member of this Italian team. “He is a great talent, watch out for him,” Paes warned. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Leaders Liverpool slip up in Leicester draw

Liverpool failed to make the most of title rivals Manchester City's defeat 24 hours earlier in a 1-1 draw with Leicester at Anfield on Wednesday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Barcelona demolish Sevilla in Copa comeback

Philippe Coutinho struck twice as Barcelona mounted a comeback to thrash Sevilla 6-1 and sweep into the Copa del Rey semi-finals 6-3 on aggregate on Wednesday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Chelsea collapse to 4-0 defeat at Bournemouth

Chelsea's top-four hopes suffered a huge dent as Maurizio Sarri's side collapsed to a humiliating 4-0 defeat at mid-table Bournemouth on Wednesday -- a result that dropped them down to fifth in the table. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

5th ODI: De Kock assault sinks Pakistan in decider

Opening batsman Quinton de Kock launched an assault on Pakistan's bowlers to set up a series-clinching win for South Africa in the fifth and final one-day international at Newlands on Wednesday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Umesh Yadav: Big brother in Vidarbha Ranji line-up

Yadav’s presence has made Vidarbha attack look more lethal. Not only he has led the Vidarbha attack from the front, the India pacer has also guided the youngsters. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Confessed as police threatened to implicate my family: Sreesanth

Banned cricketer S Sreesanth claimed in the Supreme Court that he had made the confession about his involvement in the alleged crime as Delhi Police had threatened that his family members would be implicated and tortured. The apex court observed that the conduct of Sreesanth, facing a life ban, in the entire episode was "not good". from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

The success mantra behind India's improved fielding

A 'blindfold technique' to increase reaction time, leather balls of various weights to gauge trajectory in breezy conditions and a simulation machine for slip-catching have made the Indian team a remarkably improved catching unit, fielding coach R Sridhar said on Wednesday. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more

Australia Stick With Winning Combination for Second Sri Lanka Test

Australia opted Thursday to stick with a winning combination for the second Test against Sri Lanka, meaning all-rounder Marcus Stoinis and young batting prospect Will Pucovski miss out on making their debut.

India vs New Zealand | In Numbers: Boult Equals Hadlee Record

A dismal batting show by the Indians saw them succumb to their seventh lowest total in ODI history that led to an eight-wicket loss against New Zealand in the fourth ODI at Hamilton on Thursday.

India vs New Zealand | Need to Deal With Swinging Conditions Better: Rohit

Trent Boult, who’s fifer left India’s top order in tatters, was happy about being able to exploit the favourable conditions available in the afternoon.

India vs New Zealand: Twitter Salutes Boult After Spell From Hell

Trent Boult’s spell from hell had India in shambles as they were blown away for just 92.

India vs New Zealand: Boult's Heroics Inflict Heavy Defeat on Kohli & Dhoni-Less India

Trent Boult got the ball to talk, and gave India the kind of match they'd want to brush aside as a 'one-off' or a 'bad day', setting up an easy eight-wicket win in the fourth ODI in Hamilton.

Lack of Partnerships Hurting Australia

They had a century stand roughly every 11th partnership while a 50-plus stand roughly every 4th partnership – which are fairly impressive numbers.

31st January 1999: India Lose Plot Despite Sachin's 136 vs Pakistan in Chennai

India were playing Pakistan in Tests after a gap of nine years and despite Sachin Tendulkar's supernatural efforts, the hosts ended up losing the match by 12 runs.

India vs New Zealand, 4th ODI in Hamilton Highlights: As it Happened

Follow all the live cricket action as India take on New Zealand in 4th ODI.

Shubman Gill's Journey Comes Full Circle in New Zealand

Shubman Gill earned his maiden call up to the Indian side for the limited-overs tour to New Zealand and for once the whole cricketing fraternity in India and outside was buzzing for the teenager.

De Kock Stars as South Africa Thrash Pakistan to Clinch Series

Opening batsman Quinton de Kock launched an assault on Pakistan's bowlers to set up a series-clinching win for South Africa in the fifth and final one-day international at Newlands on Wednesday.

Starting to See Some Clarity With Regard to Our Squad: du Plessis

South Africa captain Faf du Plessis said that he and the team management are starting to some clarity with regard to the ODI squad ahead of the World Cup but added that some spots are still up for grabs.

'Tied Test' Umpire Dara Dotiwalla Dead

Former umpire Dara Dotiwalla, who officiated in the famous tied Test match between India and Australia in 1986 at Chennai, died here Wednesday, family sources said. He was 85.

Hope Other Teams Rethink About Visiting Pakistan: Aguilleira

Stand-in captain of the West Indian women's team, Merrissa Aguilleira, on Wednesday hoped that the other cricket nations will follow her side and tour Pakistan in the near future.

Jacob Martin Recovery on Track, Moved out of ICU

Former India cricketer Jacob Martin has been shifted out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to general ward after nearly a month-long battle.

India vs New Zealand 4th ODI Live Streaming, When and Where to Watch, TV Timings IST

The match will be broadcast on the Star Sports Network on Wednesday (January 26) from 7:30 AM onwards. Live streaming will be available on Hotstar. You can follow all the ball-by-ball updates and live commentary with analysis on our live blog.

Kohli & Rohit Motivate Us to Stay Fit – Young Guns Reveal on ‘Chahal TV’

Yuzvendra Chahal caught up with the young guns of team India as Shubhman Gill, Kuldeep Yadav and Khaleel Ahmed made an appearance on the latest episode of ‘Chahal TV’ straight after their training session.

Denly to Debut as England Look to Bounce Back In Antigua

The Vivian Richards Stadium has been kind to Windies. They have won two, lost one and drawn three Tests at the venue. The surface at the stadium is expected to be slow with spin likely to play its part from the outset.

India vs New Zealand | Rohit Arrives at Summit 200 as Among Best in Modern Game

Rohit, clearly, has been in a league of his own.

Rahul Named in India A Squad For Four-Day Game Against England Lions

KL Rahul will get more opportunities to find his lost batting touch as the senior selection committee picked him in India A squad for the first four-day game against England Lions, which will get underway at Wayanad from February 7.

Sri Lankan Coach Removed As Selector on Tour

The Sri Lankan cricket board has decided that the decisions regarding selections on tour will be made by a committee with team manager and captain in consultation with the national selection committee.

Danger Man Pujara on Umesh Yadav's Radar as Ranji Final Looms

With both Umesh and Pujara at the top of their game, the Ranji Trophy final promises to a delightful contest between ball and bat.

IPL 2019: Taproot Dentsu strikes it big to eliminate Oglivy India

Taproot Dentsu has won the mandate to be the official creative agency for the Indian Premier League 2019. The Dentsu Aegis Network creative agency has replaced Ogilvy India for all the creative mandate for the Indian Premier League 2019. The Taproot Dentsu masterstroke will bowl Oglivy India out on the IPL pitch for the first time in 12 years, according to business daily Economic Times. Taproot Dentsu will work on all the creatives for the IPL 2019. “Taproot has done some superb work in the past and their ideas for IPL were fantastic. We will roll out the campaign created by Taproot Dentsu very soon,” the paper has quoted a ‘highly-placed’ source as saying. The creative agency has also launched another major creative in cricket – the  campaign with Anil Kumble. Also read:   Taproot Dentsu launches campaign with Kumble Meanwhile, the ET has also reported that the advertisers have set aside ₹ 2,000 crore for the IPL 2019. This will...

Video games threaten to steal millennial fans from sports: Liverpool CEO

Sports face a threat to lose millennial fans to video gaming. This fear is expressed by Primer League club Liverpool Chief Executive Peter Moore. Moore’s concerns are no mere apprehensions. His opinion is based on the television audience and match attendance figures of millennial male fan base. He was particularly concerned about football. However, the threat to other sports too cannot be ruled out. Moore’s concerns don’t come in the form of rival teams, injured players or losses on the pitch. What keeps him up at night, he says, is Fortnite, the $15bn a year, free-to-play video game taking the world by storm. “If we don’t build technological prowess as a club we will lose them (young fans),” Moore had told “There’s so much pressure on time now and only 24 hours in a day, (and) there are only so many hours to play Fortnite.” Premier League leaders Liverpool CEO Moore has said that football must embrace new technologies to avoid losing younger fans to things lik...

Winter Games, FIFA WC, NFL help fuel 165% surge in global streaming: Report

The streaming TV viewership has recorded a 165% Q4 growth in 2018, courtesy the Winter Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup 2018 and the National Football League. World Cup and NFL coverage were among the major players in 2018 OTT spike. Among the most-watched sporting events, Conviva’s statistics show that the Fifa World Cup resulted in a 12 percent lift in streaming hours throughout the tournament, while coverage from the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang drove a 26 percent increase in daily viewership. The number of hours that people streamed content more than doubled at the end of 2018 compared to the previous year, driven by a surge in viewership across the sporting calendar’s biggest events, according to new research. The annual report released by Conviva, real-time measurement and intelligence platform for streaming TV, sheds new light on market dynamics and challenges in context of skyrocketing consumption, growing consumer impatience, spikes in global live viewership, and shifting de...

Taproot Dentsu launches campaign with Kumble

Taproot Dentsu, the creative agency from Dentsu Aegis Network, has rolled out a campaign for Network 18’s The campaign comprises of two films, in which arm-chair experts are unexpectedly given a platform where they can be heard and valued. The campaign stars Anil Kumble as a commentator. The first video presents Kumble in the commentary box as the two other characters as common man or the ‘arm-chair experts’ watch the game on television.  The second video toss presents a dialogue between Kumble on the television screen and the fan in the drawing room, who is living her ‘arm-chair expert’ excitement whether the team should bat or bowl first after winning the toss. Speaking about the campaign, Rahul Kansal, Group Brand Advisor, Network18 said, “Cricket Next is a next level app for the next level fan. Beyond just giving live scores and basic commentary, it invites passionate cricket fans to offer their opinions and share their insights on the game. The film tri...

Spot Fixing Case: Supreme Court questions Srisanth’s conduct

The Supreme Court of India today (Wednesday) questioned banned cricketer S Sreesanth for not immediately bringing it to the notice of the Board of Control for Cricket in India ( BCCI ) that he was being approached for alleged spot-fixing during the Indian Premier League (IPL) in 2013. The apex court observed that conduct of Sreesanth, who is facing life ban for his alleged involvement in the sensational spot-fixing scandal, in the entire episode was “not good”. Sreesanth, who was discharged by a trial court in 2015 in a criminal case related to alleged spot- fixing , told a bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and K M Joseph that life ban imposed on him by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) was harsh and there was no evidence to substantiate the claim that he was indulged in any illegality. The 35-year-old cricketer has challenged in the apex court the decision of a division bench of the Kerala High Court which restored the ban imposed on him. Senior advocate Salman Kh...

Bawne to lead India A against England Lions

Ankit Bawne has been picked to lead the India A team in the first four-day game against the visiting England Lions. The All-India Senior Selection Committee had picked the India A team for the first four-day game to be played against England Lions. The team includes, Ankit Bawne (C), KL Rahul, AR Easwaran, Priyank Panchal, Ricky Bhui, Siddhesh Lad, K.S. Bharat (WK), Jalaj Saxena, S Nadeem, Mayank Markande, Navdeep Saini, Sharadul Thakur, Avesh Khan and Varun Aaron, BCCI has stated in a Press release. The match will be played at Wayanad in Kerala. Indian A has whitewashed the visitors in the four-match one-dayers’ series. Also Read:   ICC World Cup 2019: Full schedule, live streaming, live telecast & TV channel, broadcasting… India to start ICC T20 World Cup 2020 campaign against South Africa ICC AWARDS: Kohli creates history with clean sweep of three top honours ICC World Cup organisers to take action for ticket resale at ₹ 11 lakh:… New IPL 2019 LIVE streaming featu...

Significant Sports gets mandate to manage Azharuddin’s commercial interest

Significant Sports has received an exclusive mandate to manage commercial interests of former Indian cricket team captain Mohammed Azharuddin. The Mumbai-based sports marketing and talent management firm, Significant Sports has been managing numerous Indian and international cricketers like Amit Mishra, Chris Gayle , Siddharth Kaul, Deepak Hooda, Imran Tahir, Darren Sammy, Biker Alisha Abdullah, Lisa Stahlecker, Michael Warne and Michael Slater. Azharuddin has inked the deal to give Significant Sports exclusive mandate to manage his endorsements, commercial, social and digital media deals and appearances. “I am really excited to work with Rashid Khan and his team at Significant Sports. It’s a great association and I look forward to providing all the necessary support to my team at Significant in delivering my off the field commitments,” said Azharuddin. “Azhar Sir has undoubtedly been among India’s most prolific batters and captains. We’re proud and excited to welcome him to the ...